It’s All About Connection

January 17, 2020

Action Plan For Learning: 

Studies show that if a student feels emotionally connected to their school community they are more likely to be academically successful and avoid engaging in risk taking behaviours. I was given a survey to use by another administrator from another district to help discern how connected our kids feel to our school community. The survey asked students how many adults in the building they thought believed they could be a success in life. To ask this question implies a deep connection between staff and student; it goes beyond the casual greeting in the hallway to a deep understanding of who the student is and what they need to be successful. Students who feel connected are able to engage with and communicate to staff about things that are important to them; they feel heard. Staff are able to listen and provide support in the best way possible. The student ultimately feels safe, valued and hopeful for the future.

This deep sense of connection is essential if our work in social emotional learning is to be successful. To put the energy and time into learning how to manage your emotions, and respond appropriately to problems, you first need to feel as though there is a purpose to all of it. When students believe they will be successful in life they are able to move forward with purpose.

Our survey results were beyond anything I could have imagined. About 96% of students in grades three to seven responded to the survey and of those students 92% indicated they felt connected to a sufficient number of adults in the building. Based on this information, my interactions with the school community in the last year and a half, and my understanding of the school’s history I would suggest that connectedness is our strength. What a great foundation to build upon!


Passion Hour

Research shows that providing students with the opportunity  to choose and the provision of extracurricular activities increases students’ motivation and their sense of belonging. A sense of belonging has shown to be a significant factor in student success. In response to this information and in an effort to increase students’ sense of belonging we have decided to start what we are calling a “Passion Hour.” Our staff have chosen areas of interest to them that they would like to share with our students. This past week I sent a form home for you to read through with your child and discuss what activities might interest them the most. The students are to indicate what their top three choices of activities would be. Once the notice is returned students will be placed in one of the three groups and notified as to what group they are participating in. Passion Hour will take place on Tuesday afternoons from February 4th to March 10th at 1:30 – 2:30. The last week of Passion Hour will be a celebration of learning where parents are welcome to join us for the hour to see what their child(ren) have been doing.


Student Success Article

As you know Susan Cairns, of the Langey School District Foundation, wrote an article in the Student Success Magazine last month that inaccurately depicted Wix-Brown and contained language that was found to be hurtful and disrespectful. She has since issued a letter of apology to the community, sent by email from me, and has also issued a letter of apology published in the Langley Advance. There are two important things to note:

  1. The Langley School District and the Langley School District Foundation are separate entities and the District in no way condones what was written.
  2. In order to provide for our students, as the PAC has done in the past, it is essential the relationship between our community and the Foundation is repaired. The PAC has designed a plan to meet with members of the Foundation with the hope that restoration of the relationship occurs and allows us to work in a positive, collaborative fashion.




Friday Friends

Ms. Peach and Ms. Miller have been busy. They have presented two different lessons to a couple of classes in the last couple of weeks. One lesson was base on the book The Sun and the Moon by Celestine Aleck. In this Coast Salish story, to help make their children happy, the sun and the moon make the difficult choice to part from each other. The Creator allows them to visit only at the time of an eclipse and at sunrise and sunset. The great love between the sun and the moon can be seen in the beauty of those times. Students were able to better understand the importance of love for one’s family as well as learn about the artistic style used by Roy Vickers. In the second lesson, Div. 5 learned about the various animals that make up the ecosystem along the shoreline in the book A Walk on the Shoreline. However, the book also provided an opportunity to talk about family and the connection one may have to one’s immediate family as well as to others. The students were able to talk about those they feel closest to and why they feel so close. It was a great way of sharing an important part of who they are with their peers.


Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration Opens Monday, January 20, 2020

All children who will be five years old by December 31 in the current calendar year are eligible for the Kindergarten program beginning September 8, 2020.  

 The following documents are required at the time of registration:

 ·         Proof of Age (Birth Certificate).

 ·         Proof of Canadian Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status must be provided for the parent (Canadian Birth Certificate, Canadian Citizenship Card, Canadian Passport, Landed Immigrant documentation, Permanent Resident documentation/cards)

·         Proof of residence (Driver’s License, utility bill or Lease Agreement).

 For more information and registration times please contact the school.


Ready, Set, Learn

Ready, Set, Learn is a program for 3 and 4 year old pre-schoolers that is meant to foster positive connections between families, the school system, and local community agencies. Presenters have designed the program around important themes such as literacy, numeracy and self-regulation. Children who attend will enjoy crafts and snacks, and be able to take home books and educational goodies. Parents are to attend the program with their children. This allows parents an opportunity to learn how to support early learning at home. Ready, Set, Learn is an excellent way to support your child in the transition to kindergarten.

Below is a link to the Ministry of Education’s “Let’s Play” Handbook. It is has been developed for families and caregivers to support children’s early learning experiences through playing and having fun. Each play activity connects with one of the Living Inquiries described in the BC Early Learning Framework, which are:

  • Engagement with Others, Materials and the World • Communication and Literacies
  • Identities, Social Responsibility, and Diversity
  • Well-being and Belonging

The activities are intended to create experiences that offer quality engagement within families. This engagement enhances healthy social and emotional development in children. Activities have been carefully chosen to encourage the expression and extension of children’s interests and ideas and to present novel and stimulating settings for exploration. Engaging in these activities will help to prepare your child for kindergarten.



Poppy Open House

D.W. Poppy is hosting an open house for in-coming grade seven students. The night will include an open house, grade eight course selection, presentations from various departments and a question and answer period. The event will be held in the Dramnasium with the open house running from 6 – 7 PM and presentations from various departments from 7 – 8 PM. The transition from elementary to high school can cause anxiety in a student. By attending the information night with your child you will give them an opportunity to become familiar with the space which will help to reduce some of that anxiety. It will also allow them to ask about the possibility of participating in clubs and activities of interest. Participating in such groups is an easy way for your child to connect with people of similar interests and build their network in their new community. Grade 7 Parent Open House Flyer


Skills For Life for Families

Parenting isn’t easy, in fact it gets more challenging day by day. In addition to trying to support your children through typical changes, life constantly introduces new elements to deal with. The pressures of doing what is right for your child can be daunting and inspire self-doubt and anxiety. In collaboration with The Inner Resiliency Program and The Dalai Lama Center, the Langley School District is offering a 5 part parenting series meant to provide you with insights and tools to reduce your stress and anxiety and better enable you to support your child(ren) in a way that leaves you and your child feeling positive regardless of the circumstances.


Dates To Remember

January 20th – K Registration Starts

January 27th – Hot Lunch

January 28th – Ready, Set, Learn @ 1:30 – 2:30

January 30th – Month End Awards

January 31st – Division 9 and 10 Firehall Field Trip

February 6th – PAC Meeting @ 6 PM

February 10th – Hot Lunch

February 14th – Professional Development Day (School Not In Session)

February 17th – Family Day (School Not In Session)

February 24th – Diversity and Respect Week

February 24th – Report Card Prep/Design And Assessment (School Not In Session)

February 27th – Ready, Set, Learn @ 1:30 – 2:30

February 28th – Month End Awards

March 5th – PAC Meeting @ 9:10 AM

March 6th – Report Cards Published

March 9th – Hot Lunch

March 11th – Parent/Teacher Interviews (1:54 Dismissal)

March 12th – Parent/Teacher Interviews (1:54 Dismissal)

March 13th – Last Day Before Spring Break

March 30th – First Day Back From Spring Break



Wix-Brown Elementary

23851 - 24 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Z 3A3
Phone: 604-534-5633
Fax: 604-534-9531