
For detailed information on registration please visit the ‘Registration’ page on the Langley School District website by following the link provided.



Once you have created an account or if you already have a child attending a school in BC, then you do not need to start a new MyEDBC account. You will need to log in to your existing account and initiate a new application for your child by following these directions in this video here below.  

If you have a MyEDBC account and you are having trouble logging in, please visit the District’s MyEDBC help webpage here.  

Helpful Resources  

Here are step-by-step instructions for the online registration process in pdf format which may be a helpful resource for families. 

Online Registration Parent Documentation   

If you require additional translation assistance and support, please visit the Welcome Centre at the school board office. 

Additional Information and Instruction  

Please take note of the following information to assist you in completing your child’s application form:   

  • By submitting an online application form, you hereby declare that, to the best of your knowledge, the provided information in your child’s application form is true and accurate. Your child’s application form is considered a legal document recognized by the Langley School District.     
  • One application is required per child. If you have twins or triplets, you will need to submit an application form for each child. Please do not complete more than one application per child. 
  • The online application form does not include a separate section for a secondary contact or emergency contacts. Please include one (1) secondary and at least two (2) emergency contacts in the application by clicking on the “+ Add” and creating a new field in the Parent/Guardian/Other Contact section.  
  • The District supports early identification and intervention, promotes equitable access to appropriate educational assessments, programming and resources, and recognizes that all students benefit from universally designed curriculum, instruction and environments. Some students with diverse abilities will benefit from modified programming. If your child has previously received Student Services Support, please indicate that in the applicable field in the online form.   
  • The District requests vaccination status. Please upload any vaccination documentation or screenshots if possible.   
  • The District requires proof of guardianship. Please upload any legal documents such as court orders or child in care documentation.
  • Please note, schools with high enrolment may take longer than expected to accept applications due to volume of applicants and to ensure accuracy and equity in the process.  

Wix-Brown Elementary

23851 - 24 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Z 3A3
Phone: 604-534-5633
Fax: 604-534-9531