District Code of Conduct & Dress Guidelines

Administrative Procedure 350 – Student Code of Conduct can be viewed here.
Below is the introduction to AP 350.

The Langley School District is committed to fostering safe and caring schools that promote mutual respect, cooperation, and social responsibility, and support optimal learning. Trauma Informed Practices and Procedures promote the creation and maintenance of safe, inclusive, equitable, welcoming, and nurturing school environments.

District schools are inclusive environments which value all students and families regardless of race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation, or gender identity/expression.

Guided by the First Peoples Principles of Learning, the District supports strategies that rely on prevention and intervention, so students learn to solve their problems in peaceful ways, value diversity, and defend human rights.

Students are expected to learn and mature as they move through successive grades. As such, the expectations and consequences increase with regard to personal responsibility and self-discipline when a student breaches the District Code of Conduct. Expectations and consequences are student specific and developmentally appropriate.

Priority Learners (Indigenous students, students identified as having special needs, Children and Youth in Care, students with complex mental health needs and students facing systemic barriers) require special consideration, consultation, and planning.

Where a breach of this Student Code of Conduct amounts to a violation of the law, the District and the school will co-operate with the police and other appropriate authorities.

Langley School District Dress Guidelines

The intent of a dress guideline is to set expectations to assist students, staff, and parents in decision-making with respect to clothing.  It is not intended to be prescriptive nor punitive, but to provide a level of clarity so that correction or discipline is not required.

Dress guidelines are intended to incorporate individual preferences for students and their families to dress in a manner that they choose.  Individual choice is however tempered by a responsibility to recognize that a school is a learning and working environment, in which there is an expectation of reasonableness.

Staff members have a responsibility to assist students in understanding and abiding by the District dress guidelines.  Parents have a responsibility to support appropriate dress for the school and the workplace.

Clothing should be comfortable and allow a student to participate safely in activities such as physical education, science experiments, and/or shop projects.  Clothing should demonstrate a respect for the school community.  Clothing should meet standards of suitability that are typical of an office workplace and should not be offensive to others.

Articles of clothing that promote alcohol or drugs, that display offensive language or images, or that encourage sexism, racism or bigotry are not acceptable in a school.  Clothing bearing direct or indirect messages or graphics referring to gang culture, sex or pornography, weapons or violence will not be permitted.

When there are differences in perspective, all involved have a duty to seek common understanding in a mutually respectful manner.  Ultimately, the school administration has the responsibility to apply the dress guidelines when necessary.  If any person dresses in an inappropriate manner, the student should be advised personally and discretely and given an opportunity to meet the District guidelines.

Wix-Brown Elementary

23851 - 24 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Z 3A3
Phone: 604-534-5633
Fax: 604-534-9531