About Us / School Life

Wix-Brown School Profile

As a community we have so much to be grateful for. We are a small, rural K – 7 school. This context allows for so many opportunities that other schools don’t have. Being small means that everyone knows everyone. The students all know each other and if a new student joins our community, it doesn’t take long before they have a group of friends to connect with. Also, the staff is able to quickly get to know all of the students. This means that when we need to develop a plan to support a student there is an abundance of people able to participate in the designing of the plan and its implementation.

We have students from a variety of backgrounds that contribute to the creation of a beautifully diverse community.  We have a huge sense of pride in who we are as a school and the great things that we do together.

Welcome to Wix-Brown!

Wix-Brown Elementary

23851 - 24 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Z 3A3
Phone: 604-534-5633
Fax: 604-534-9531