November 15, 2024
Dear Wix-Brown families,
As we near the end of our first term together and begin planning for Student Inclusive Conferences, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we’ve embarked on together so far this year. It’s been a term filled with learning, growth, and community spirit, and I couldn’t be prouder of our students, staff, and families.
From the first day of school, our hallways have been buzzing with excitement and curiosity. We’ve seen our students dive into new subjects, embrace challenges, and support one another in their learning journeys. Our teachers have worked tirelessly to create engaging and inclusive classrooms where every child feels valued and inspired to do their best.
One of the most heartwarming aspects of this term has been the strong sense of community that we’ve built together. Whether it’s through our extra-curricular activities, school events, or daily interactions, the partnership between home and school has been evident and impactful. Your involvement and support have made a significant difference in our students’ experiences and successes.
As we wrap up our first term together in the coming weeks and look forward to what’s ahead, we are excited about the opportunities and adventures that await us. We will continue to focus on fostering a love of learning, promoting kindness and respect, and ensuring that every student has the tools they need to thrive.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our school community. Together, we are creating a nurturing and dynamic environment where our children can grow and flourish. I am grateful for the trust you place in us and look forward to all that we will accomplish in the coming months.
Take a look at what we’ve been up to over the past few weeks!
Around the School…
Remembrance Day
Last week, we held our Remembrance Day assembly. Led by Ms. Stone, Ms. Jaheny, and our grade 6/7 leadership team, the event was informative, somber, and respectful. Mr. Murray Bradshaw, a local veteran connected with the Aldergrove Legion, was our honoured guest for the fourth year in a row. Students read poems, letters, shared information, and sang songs to highlight the importance of honouring and remembering those who have sacrificed so much for our country. A huge thank you to all of those who presented and organized the event; it was an emotional and moving ceremony.

Design & Assessment Day
Last Friday, the Wix-Brown school staff worked diligently on our school’s Action Plan for Learning during the district Design & Assessment day. As a team, we are expanding our knowledge and understanding of best practices in numeracy instruction. During the day, teachers had an opportunity to examine each grade level’s curriculum and prioritize the learning standards that are most important for students in math. We worked to develop a comprehensive scope and sequence, beginning in kindergarten all the way through to grade seven, that highlights what we hope each student at our school will learn throughout their elementary learning journey. During the second part of our day, we worked with Tristan Raphael, one of the district’s Instructional Services teachers, on ways in which we can incorporate technology into our math classes. We had a great day of learning and discussion related to how we can best support students in their acquisition of numeracy skills. I look forward to continuing this journey throughout the year and sharing more information with you as we go.

Wix-Brown Winter Market
Our wonderful PAC hosted the second annual Wix-Brown Winter Market on November 9. A variety of vendors were at the school to sell their goods, and our grade 7 students sold donuts and Panago coupons to support their fundraising efforts for the year. The event was well attended and a hugely successful fundraiser for our school! Thank you so much to all those who organized and volunteered their time to make the event such a success.

Literacy in Division Four
Ms. Blake’s class is working hard on their literacy skills! In order to support students with their reading, Ms. Blake has introduced a period of time called the “20 Minute Difference” during her weekly timetable. The idea behind the 20 minute difference is that, through purposeful and targeted work, students can make some powerful gains in their reading development in 20 minutes each day. Students are grouped with a partner where they can time and practice their fluency through reading passages, while also working on their reading comprehension. Teachers then work with students in small groups to provide direct instruction to help support each group’s targeted literacy development. Purposeful structures and routines, backed by research that tells us what works best for kids, is how we continue to make positive gains in our students’ ability to read and write. Thank you, division four, for working so hard at improving your skills!

Student Inclusive Conferences
At the end of the month, we will once again be hosting Student Inclusive Conferences to communicate student learning to families. Instead of a traditional first term report card, the district has moved to providing opportunities for teachers, families, and students to sit down and have a conversation about each child’s learning. The purpose of the conference is to share information about a student’s progress, while also giving an opportunity to set collaborative goals for the rest of the school year. This is our third year of running Student Inclusive Conferences at Wix-Brown, so my hope is that you are becoming more familiar with how to navigate the conference format and engage in productive conversations with school staff.
This year, Student Inclusive Conferences will occur during the week of November 25 – November 29. All families are expected to participate in the Student Inclusive Conference experience, as this is the way teachers will be communicating student learning for first term. Ms. Norris has shared a link with all families in order to book your Student Inclusive Conference appointment.
Please follow the link below to sign up:
Teachers will be available after school on November 25, 26 and 29, and we will have additional slots available on November 28 (students are dismissed at 12:08 and there will be evening slots available on this day as well). November 27 is also a day of no school for students so that conferences can occur, so slots will be available throughout the school day on this day. Please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions about your child’s Student Inclusive Conference. The district has also created a parent/guardian resource with more information that you may find helpful:
Student Inclusive Conferences – Parent-Guardian Resource 2024Nov.pdf
If you have any difficulty accessing the online booking system, please reach out to the office for support. We look forward to sharing your child’s progress and collaborating on next steps together through the conference process.
From the District…
Emergency Preparedness, Power Outages, and School Closures
With storm season upon us, the District is reminding families about procedures during emergencies such as power outages. The District will post important information on school and District websites as well as on social media channels. The District may also send special instructions in emails and text messages (for those that opt-in) via SchoolMessenger. In the event of power outages, schools have an emergency phone line operational. Please avoid calling the school unless it is an emergency as this ties up the phone line.
As per the District’s procedures, schools in the District may be closed to students by the Superintendent for weather related emergencies such as power outages or other causes related to health and safety. The decision to close a school due to a power outage is based on many considerations including expected power restoration time, operational emergency lighting, access to water and washrooms, among other factors. As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school (or keep their child at school) based on safety and individual circumstances. If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school. For more information on school status information, read here.
The District thanks students, families and staff for their cooperation during recent power outages impacting schools.
Illness in the Classroom
It’s that time of year when we see a rise in illnesses impacting students and staff in our school. We are hearing from families about colds, respiratory illnesses, and stomach bugs circulating in our community. As a reminder to help keep our school community healthy and well, we are sharing this online resource from our community partner Fraser Health. Here you will find information about protecting your child from communicable diseases and managing their illness:
Dental, Hearing, and Vision Checks from Fraser Health
Health, safety, and wellness continue to be a priority in our schools. To help support our students and families, we are sharing important information from our community partner Fraser Health about dental, hearing, and vision checks. Please see below for helpful reminders to support your child.
Make dental, hearing and vision checks part of a healthy routine
Health screenings help find issues early which can make treatment easier and more effective. It’s important for your child to have regular eye exams and routine dental checkups. It is also important to recognize any hearing loss early as this is essential for speech and language development. Read on to learn when and how to access services for your child.
Tooth decay is the most common, but preventable, childhood chronic disease. It is important to establish good oral hygiene at a young age and have children’s teeth checked by a dentist regularly. To find a local dentist near you who is accepting new patients, visit the BC Dental Association’s Find a Dentist database. If you are a member of a low-income family and you do not have extended health coverage, there are several programs that can help you access affordable dentistry for your children. You can also contact the dental program at your local public health unit and ask about resources available in your community.
Vision BC Doctors of Optometry recommends children receive their first eye exam when they are six to nine months old with a follow up exam at least once between the ages of two and five and then yearly once they enter school. You can find an optometrist accepting new patients near you at the College of Optometrists of British Columbia’s Find an Optometrist database. In B.C., one basic eye exam per year is free up to the age of 18. Some optometrists may charge a user fee of about $35-50 per visit, so be sure to ask about any fees before you make an appointment.
Good hearing is essential for speech and language development and plays an important part in a child’s social and emotional growth. It is important to recognize hearing loss early and seek out testing and treatment if needed. Fraser Health’s Public Health community audiologists provide hearing services for children from birth to 19 years of age. If you have a concern about your child’s hearing, referrals can be made by a parent or caregiver, a health care provider or education professional to your local public health audiology (hearing) clinic.
Find more information on child health screenings and how to access free vision, hearing and dental exams on Fraser Health’s website:
Communicating Student Learning (CSL) – Elementary School
Learning is a journey for all students that requires the support of teachers, staff, and families. Parent/guardian involvement is always a contributing factor to a student’s success. But how does a parent/guardian know how their child is doing? The District is sharing information about the different ways of Communicating Student Learning (CSL) to help support families. On this webpage you will find information about student inclusive conferences, proficiency scales, and self-reflection on the core competencies. These resources are aimed to help support your child. Read more here.
Upcoming Dates…
November 22 – PAC Hot Lunch
November 25 – Student Inclusive Conferences begin
November 26 – Disney Day
November 26 – PAC Family Movie Night in gym
November 27 – No school (Students only attend for their Student Inclusive Conference)
November 28 – Month-End Assembly @ 11 AM – families welcome!
November 28 – Early dismissal @ 12:08 PM for Student Inclusive Conferences
December 6 – Anything but a Backpack Day
December 10 – Winter Concert @ 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM
December 13 – Grade 6 immunizations
December 16 – Festive Hat Day
December 17 – Red and Green Day
December 18 – Festive Sweater Day
December 19 – Reindeer Day
December 19 – PAC Pancake Breakfast
December 20 – Last day before Winter Break
December 20 – Christmas PJ Day
January 6 – Schools re-open after Winter Break
January 15 – Black Shirt Day (Black Excellence Day)
January 16 – Grade 7 Treat Day Fundraiser
January 17 – Neon Day
January 24 – PAC Hot Lunch
January 30 – Dress Like a Teacher/Student Day
January 30 – Month-End Assembly @ 1 PM – families welcome!