October 18, 2024
Dear Wix-Brown families,
As we navigate another school year together, I’ve been taking some time to reflect on our Wix-Brown community and the many reasons for which I am thankful at our school. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the incredible work we do together to create a strong, vibrant community here at Wix.
Our school is more than just a place of learning; it is a community where each student is valued and encouraged to achieve their highest potential. This wouldn’t be possible without the unwavering support and dedication of our families. Your involvement, whether through volunteering, attending school events, or supporting your child’s learning at home, plays a crucial role in our collective success.
Together, we have fostered an environment where students not only excel academically but also develop a strong sense of belonging and community. It is truly inspiring to see our students thrive, supported by a network of caring adults who are committed to their growth and well-being.
Thank you for your continued partnership and for entrusting us with the education and development of your children. I am confident that, together, we will continue to achieve great things and create lasting memories for our students. I am certainly thankful for the support and partnerships that we foster here at Wix. When we encounter challenging times, it is comforting to know that our community rallies around one another in ways both big and small.
Around the School…
School Safety
For student safety, all visitors to the school must check in at the office. Parents and visitors need to enter the school through the front doors, check in with Ms. Norris, and sign in as a visitor. This ensures that we know which adults are in the building at all times and keeps our students safe. Please do not enter the school through any other doors (i.e. in from a classroom into the hallway). If you need to come into the school/hallways, please go outside and check in at the office first before proceeding into the building. Thank you for your support in prioritizing school safety for us all.

Story Workshop in Division 8
Last week, I had the opportunity to pop into Ms. Sipos’ class first thing in the morning. As part of her soft start routine, the students were using loose parts within a Story Workshop experience. Story Workshop is an instructional approach that supports language and literacy development. It involves teachers working alongside children as they explore prepared environments and experiences, share stories, and engage in hands-on activities to create stories visually using a variety of materials (loose parts). It encourages creativity amongst students and also fosters strong oral language development. It was great to hear the students share their stories with myself and Ms. Sipos as I circulated throughout the room – they were so engaged in the creative process! Thank you, Ms. Sipos and division 8, for sharing your imaginative thoughts and ideas with me!

Turkey Trot
A fond tradition at Wix-Brown is our annual Turkey Trot. The first year that I came to Wix, I remember sitting in the audience during the assembly and thinking, “This is where I’m mean to be!” It always fills my heart to see the eagerness and enthusiasm displayed by both staff and students alike during the Turkey Trot. Each year, teachers put on a special Thanksgiving-themed skit, give away some turkey dinner-related prizes, and the whole school community dances the “chicken dance” together. So much fun! A huge thank you to Ms. Wedgewood, Ms. Blake, Ms. Huseon, Ms. Baker, and Ms. Senges (making a special appearance as our Turkey Trot host “The Sensational Suzanna” even though she’s currently on maternity leave) for an afternoon of fun and community-building.

Cross Country
Another successful cross country season has come to an end. Students in grades 4-7 from Wix-Brown were offered the opportunity to run throughout the fall at the regional Aldergrove Bowl cross country meets. This week, we had 6 Wix-Brown students qualify for the championship race – a record at our school. A huge thank you to our coaches – Ms. Blake, Ms. Skrynnikov, Ms. Baker and Ms. Olafson for giving their time to run the practices and organize the events. Way to go, Bears!

Gaga Ball Tournament
We held our 2nd annual “Battle of the Bears” gaga ball tournament last week for our intermediate students. Led by Ms. Baker, the annual showdown allowed for teams of four to compete against one another during recess and lunch in a knockout tournament throughout the week. Our final student winners, The Bananas, took on a staff team to finish off the week with some extra enthusiasm and excitement. A huge thank you to Ms. Baker for organizing! Talks are already underway to host a similar tournament for our primary students this year as well.

Grade 6/7 Leadership Symposium
Ms. Stone and Ms. Jaheny have been teaching the grade 6 and 7 students at Wix-Brown what it means to be a leader. From the very start of the school year, the expectation has been clear: Grade 6 and 7 Wix-Brown bears are leaders at our school! It has been absolutely fantastic to see our students rise to the occasion and work towards some extremely powerful leadership opportunities for our school community. Last week, all of our grade 6 and 7 students were invited to a Leadership Symposium. Ms. Stone and Ms. Jaheny began organizing this in June to ensure that it was all ready to go for the fall. We had our school liaison officer, Cst. Brown, come to discuss internet and social media safety. Mr. Harris, principal of D.W. Poppy Secondary, also presented with a group of high school leadership students about what it means to be a leader. The students will now be placed on leadership teams where they will have different responsibilities and challenges throughout the rest of the year. Wow – we already have some amazing leaders at our school! A huge thank you to Ms. Stone and Ms. Jaheny for organizing this event, and for encouraging our students to be the best version of themselves each and every day.

Volunteer Application Update
If you are looking to volunteer in the school on a regular basis (i.e. more than once a month), I provided information in an e-mail regarding the process. Please note that some RCMP detachments are requesting a volunteer letter from the school when requesting a criminal record check. If you require a volunteer letter to take to the RCMP, Ms. Norris has letters available in the office. Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new process.
From the District…
Emergency Procedures & Response
Health and safety are a priority in the Langley School District. Schools follow emergency procedures to ensure students, staff, and any visitors in our schools or sites are safe when unexpected incidents or events happen. At the start of every school year, administrators, teachers, and staff review these emergency procedures. Schools practice a set number of drills annually in preparation for unexpected situations. The District encourages families to become familiar with these staff emergency procedures and the drills that are completed in schools. You can read them in the Staff Emergency Procedures Poster here or find them posted in areas throughout District buildings. If you have questions or concerns about emergency procedures, please contact your child’s teacher or principal.
Election Day
On Saturday October 19th many of our school gyms across the District will be used as provincial election polling stations from 8am – 8pm. As guided by Section 81 of the Election Act “accommodation in a school that is the property of a board of school trustees under the School Act must be made available by the board for use as a voting place.” Please take note of extra pedestrian and vehicle traffic in the area of these sites on election day.
The District appreciates the support and cooperation from families and members of our community. The District is encouraging everyone who is eligible to do their civic duty and vote. For a list of school sites being used, visit the District website here.
Upcoming Dates…
October 24 – Grade 7 Treat Day fundraiser
October 25 – No school (Professional Development Day)
October 30 – Month-End Assembly @ 1 PM – families welcome!
October 31 – Halloween
November 5 – Photo retakes
November 7 – Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30 AM – families welcome!
November 8 – No school (Report Card Prep/Design & Assessment Day)
November 9 – PAC Winter Market, 10 AM -2 PM in gym
November 11 – No school (Remembrance Day)
November 25 – Student Inclusive Conferences begin
November 26 – Family Movie Night in gym
November 27 – No school (Students only attend for their Student Inclusive Conference)
November 28 – Month-End Assembly @ 11 AM – families welcome!
November 28 – Early dismissal @ 12:08 PM for Student Inclusive Conferences
December 10 – Winter Concert @ 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM
December 13 – Grade 6 immunizations
December 19 – PAC Pancake Breakfast
December 20 – Last day before Winter Break
January 6 – Schools re-open after Winter Break