October 4, 2024
Dear Wix-Brown families,
The past few weeks have gone by quickly! Students have adjusted to new classroom routines, teachers and support staff have worked to get important academic programming up and running, and term one is now in full swing! As a staff, we have begun to have discussions about “raising the bar” for this school year. How do we ensure that we are equipping students with what they need as they transition from elementary to high school? How do we help to support our youngest learners in their acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills? What does it look like to be a Wix-Brown bear? What expectations do we have for our students? How do we ensure that our students are challenged and working to the best of their abilities in class? These are the types of questions and conversations we have been having at the start of the school year. We have such a strong foundation at our school, as well as systems and structures that support the work that we do each day. We will continue to look for ways in which to encourage students to do their very best with the understanding that they can achieve great things! Take a look at what we’ve been up to.
Around the School…
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Last week, our school community engaged in a variety of learning activities in honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (NDTR). A large committee of staff, led by Ms. Skwarok, came together at the beginning of the school year to make our plans. In reflecting on the work that was done last year, we realized that putting all of the learning into one day was difficult to manage. As a result, this year we decided to host an NDTR Week at Wix-Brown. Each day, there was a different learning opportunity/activity for classes to engage in that highlighted our school’s commitment to truth and reconciliation. Students learned about residential schools, Orange Shirt Day, and the Final Report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Classes participated in a story walk of Phyllis Webstad’s “With Our Orange Hearts” which provided some history of Orange Shirt Day. We also worked to understand the meaning behind the land acknowledgement we hear each morning, and reflected on our understanding of truth and reconciliation during a silent walk and ribbon tying ceremony. As a school, we also had opportunities to discuss the wrongdoings perpetrated against the indigenous people of Canada. During our NDTR assembly on Friday, each person who attended our assembly was invited to place a luminary in the gym to highlight the theme of our learning this year: ACTION. What can we do as a school community to act on the 94 Calls to Action that were outlined by Justice Murray Sinclair and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada? How do we ensure that truth and reconciliation lives in our school as something we engage in throughout the year? What can we do in our community to act on the recommendations outlined by the commission in our own acts of truth and reconciliation? We will continue to explore these questions (and more) throughout the year and beyond.
You can learn more about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s work (including the 94 Calls to Action) here. During our month-end assemblies this year, we will be sharing our learning towards ACTION in our truth and reconciliation journey. Families are always welcome to attend in order to learn more about what we are doing as a school!

Grade 6/7 Rugby
Our grade 6 and 7 students have had the opportunity to learn a new sport this year: rugby! In partnership with Rugby Canada and D.W. Poppy Secondary, students engaged in a variety of skill-based lessons, drills, and games in order to familiarize themselves with how to play rugby. D.W. Poppy rugby players, along with their coaches and members of Rugby Canada, have visited the school several times this year to work with our students. A huge thank you to Ms. Jaheny and Ms. Stone for organizing this exciting opportunity for our school!

Wix-Brown Hats
Are you interested in purchasing a Wix-Brown hat? Our staff received them this year in September, and we have had some interest from students in purchasing the hats as well. In order to make a bulk purchase, we need to have a minimum of 20 orders. If you’d like to purchase a hat or 2, you can log onto School Cash Online here to make your purchase. Hats are $25 each and will be available to be purchased until October 18. If we have at least 20 orders, we will go ahead with the purchase (it will take a few weeks for the hats to be produced).

School Improvement Day
Today, the Wix-Brown staff had a chance to collaborate on our Action Plan for Learning. Every year, on School Improvement Day, staff work together in order to ensure we have a clear plan for the year of how we can best support students at our school. One of the things we will be focusing on this year is numeracy instruction. After several years of professional development opportunities focused on the area of literacy, we are excited to also examine best practices in math through a collaborative lens.
To start our day, we looked at our school data. Each year, we collect information about student progress, academic development, and then compare the numbers periodically during each term. In examining our school data in the areas of literacy and numeracy, we asked ourselves what the data was telling us, and where we need to go next with our instruction for students. We also explored our Action Plan for Learning, made tweaks and adjustments, and came up with a manageable plan to enhance student learning throughout the year.
In terms of our numeracy goal, our teaching staff will be examining a resource entitled “Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics” by SFU professor Peter Liljedahl in a book study format. During our bi-monthly staff meetings, we will meet to discuss each chapter and the 14 teaching practices that Liljedahl outlines to enhance student learning. Thinking beyond worksheets and typical math lessons, the resource will guide us in finding new ways to engage our students in mathematical experiences that lead to active engagement and deeper learning. As a whole staff, we modelled what a “thinking classroom” looks like through an activity where our teachers became the students, and it was well-received and led to some productive discussions around how students learn best. I look forward to sharing more with you throughout the year as we continue to collaborate on enhancing our students’ mathematical understanding. Our completed Action Plan for Learning will be shared by the end of October with our school community.

From the District…
Student in Distress and School Safety
Health and safety are a priority in the Langley School District. Our schools follow emergency procedures to help keep students, staff, and the community safe. Depending on the situation, communication to parents/caregivers is needed to keep families informed about incidents in our school, such as during lockdowns, hold & secures, and room clears. Sometimes these incidents may not be emergencies but are medical crises. It is important to note that the decision to send communications to families is dependent on a variety of factors including the nature of what happened, who has witnessed or was directly impacted by what happened, as well as student and staff privacy. Although communication is unique and dependent on the specific situation, there are times when a student is in distress and the incident may require a message or letter to families. In addition to communication to parents/caregivers, teachers and staff may debrief with students after an incident that may have upset them. In some cases, the school counsellor may offer support to students in need. As always, we want families to let us know if your child requires support. If you have any questions or concerns about communication related to emergencies or incidents, please reach out to the school.
Fair Notice Resource for Students/Families
The Langley School District is committed to a safe and supportive environment for all. Our schools take all threatening comments and behaviours seriously. Our schools follow procedures when responding to threat-making behaviour to help keep students, staff, and the community safe. The following resource here outlines what information students and families need to know in relation to how the District responds to threat-making behaviour in our schools. Everyone has a role in helping keep our students safe. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school administrator.
Community Volunteers in Emergencies
Emergencies can happen unexpectedly due to weather events (e.g. earthquake or flooding) or unforeseen situations in the community. The health and safety of students, staff, and families is the District’s priority. The District together with schools follow emergency procedures to respond to incidents as well as prevent them from happening. As stated in the provincial Emergency Management Planning Guide for Schools, Districts and Authorities, staff have a legal “duty of care,” meaning that they “must ensure that students are cared for until such time as they can be safely reunited with their parents.” Depending on the situation, the school may be caring for students for many days.
In these circumstances, schools may rely on members of the community to assist with emergency responses. Administrators may send a request to parents/guardians to help volunteer with first aid, facilities and maintenance, safety and security, and general labour. Adults with special skills in health care, policing, and engineering would be an asset in an emergency. No action is needed from families at this time as the purpose is to keep families informed.
Programs of Choice – Deadline to Register is Monday, October 21st
Langley School District offers a rich diversity of programs that are designed to meet the specific needs and interests of students. Programs include Fine Arts, French Immersion, Fundamental, Langley Environmental Awareness Program (outdoor education), Montessori, and U-Connect. Registration for Kindergarten entry (for most programs) begins on Monday, October 7th at 12 noon, and closes on Monday, October 21st at 12 noon. For U-Connect, please contact the school directly. For more information and instructions to register your child, visit our District website here and review our FAQ choice programs resource here.
U-Connect – Kindergarten to Grade 3 Spaces Available: Elementary
Is your child in need of an education program that offers more flexibility and continues to meet their educational needs? U-Connect may be a great fit for your child. The blended learning program has students in class two days a week with an optional third day offered for additional student support and fun community field trips. Students will be at home two to three days per week, which enables them to discover their own extra-curricular passions and allows for caregivers to support students at home in partnership with school. Students will build on their own personal learning style with the support of caring and dedicated teachers. Interested students and their families are encouraged to call the school to get more information or learn more here.
Upcoming Dates…
October 11 – Student photos
October 11 – Turkey Trot assembly @ 1 PM – families welcome!
October 14 – No school (Thanksgiving)
October 17 – PAC meeting at 6 PM in library
October 24 – Grade 7 Treat Day fundraiser
October 25 – No school (Professional Development Day)
October 30 – Month-End Assembly @ 1 PM – families welcome!
October 31 – Halloween
November 5 – Photo retakes
November 7 – Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30 AM – families welcome!
November 8 – No school (Report Card Prep/Design & Assessment Day)
November 11 – No school (Remembrance Day)
November 25 – Student Inclusive Conferences begin
November 26 – Family Movie Night in gym
November 27 – No school (Students only attend for their Student Inclusive Conference)
November 28 – Month-End Assembly @ 11 AM – families welcome!
November 28 – Early dismissal @ 12:08 PM for Student Inclusive Conferences
December 10 – Winter Concert @ 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM
December 13 – Grade 6 immunizations
December 19 – PAC Pancake Breakfast
December 20 – Last day before Winter Break
January 6 – Schools re-open after Winter Break