A Community of Learners

October 13, 2023

Dear Wix-Brown families,

It’s been a busy few weeks at school! As we settle into the school year and make plans as a staff, it is so great to see the growth and development that begins as students become comfortable in their classes with learning routines and classroom expectations.  We work together, both in classrooms and around the school, to cultivate a community of learners where each child at Wix-Brown is able to reach their full potential. Take a look at what we’ve been up to!

Around the School…

Action Plan for Learning

Part of our work over the past few weeks has been engaging in conversations around our school Action Plan for Learning.  What do our students need? How can we support them? What do we, as the adults in the building, need in order to do this work? What kinds of professional learning opportunities will help us achieve our goals? Are there particular resources or supplies that we need in order to accomplish the things that we’ve set forth? These are the types of questions we have been having in our conversations around the school.  As a staff, we have committed to following through with our school goal from last year, in order to fine-tune some of the work that we had previously started.  As a result, our focus for the year will be:

To work collaboratively as a staff and with families to support students in their development of social-emotional and literacy skills.

By the end of October, I will be able to share our completed Action Plan for Learning.  I invite you to connect with me for feedback and ideas regarding how we can all best support our students this year.  It takes a village, and we are looking forward to working together in the interest of our Wix-Brown bears!

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

During our School Improvement Day, we had the opportunity to learn alongside Ms. JM, who led us through a privilege exercise related to our work around equity, diversity, and inclusion.  Each group was given a dollar amount and a list of privileges that they had to purchase.  It quickly became clear that not everyone has the same amount of privilege, and that many individuals face barriers that make it more difficult for them to access basic needs and education.  It was a powerful exercise that gave way to a lot of meaningful conversations around how we can ensure that Wix-Brown is a safe place where all learners are included and feel seen, valued, and heard.  Thank you, Ms. JM, for continuing the conversation for us.  We will continue to prioritize this learning as a school community.

Hands-On Learning

One of the highlights for me as a principal is when teachers invite me into their rooms to witness and support the learning that goes on in classrooms.  Last week, Ms. Allin and Ms. Blake created some hands-on learning opportunities for their classes and asked me to join in.  Ms. Allin’s class, during Science, was learning about the scientific method and experimentation, with the objective to observe how the shape of a bird’s beak determines what it eats.  They used a variety of tools to test out how different beaks could carry various types of food, then recorded their observations.  Ms. Blake’s class has been working on Thanksgiving themes, and used this opportunity to learn more about pumpkins (including some fun and interesting, little-known facts).  The learning culminated in a “pumpkin pie in a cup” activity that was both informative and delicious! Using hands-on learning activities is just one way that teachers at our school ensure that students are engaged and focused in the classroom.  Being active and having fun has positive impacts on student achievement.  Thank you to Ms. Blake and Ms. Allin for the demonstrations of hands-on learning and student engagement.

Turkey Trot

Last week, we held our annual “Turkey Trot” right before Thanksgiving.  If you’ve ever been to this event, you know that it holds a special place in our Wix-Brown community as a light-hearted and fun celebration.  Ms. Senges, Ms. Wedgewood, Ms. Blake, Ms. Huseon, and Ms. Jaheny took the lead in creating a funny Thanksgiving-themed skit that included our favourite talk show host, the Sensational Suzanna! Part of the event also includes a giveaway draw, where Thanksgiving items are given out to students as a part of the assembly.  The event ends with a whole-school “chicken dance” extravaganza, which is always a good time!

From the District…

Accessibility Committee, Accessibility Plan & Accessibility Survey

The Langley School District is committed to fostering a learning and working environment that supports all students and staff and provides opportunities for everyone in our school community. Under the province’s new Accessible BC Act, school districts across the province were required to create an accessibility committee, an accessibility plan, and a mechanism to receive public feedback regarding accessibility by September 2023.

The District has taken the necessary steps to meet these requirements, which are explained in the Accessibility Plan 2023-2026 here. The District, in collaboration with the Accessibility Committee, welcomes feedback from students, staff, and families on the plan as well as any information to help identify barriers in our system. The public is invited to fill-out this Accessibility Survey here. Print versions of this survey are available at the School Board Office. There are other methods of sharing feedback which are outlined on the District webpage here. If you have any questions or concerns, please email: accessibility@sd35.bc.ca

Erase Family Sessions: Establishing Safe, Caring, and Respectful Digital Communities

Three virtual Erase learning sessions for families will be held on November 8th, 28th, and 30th, focusing on establishing safe, caring, and respectful digital communities. These sessions are best suited for families and youth aged 10 and above. Please see the form below for links to register for these sessions.

Erase Family Training Sessions

Upcoming Dates…

October 17 – Book Fair open to students during the school day

October 19 – Book Fair open to students during the school day and after school until 3 PM

October 20 – No School (Professional Development Day)

October 24 – Whole-school Pumpkin Patch field trip

October 26 – Month-End Assembly at 1:15

October 31 – Halloween Costume Parade at 1:30

November 1 – Grade 6 Immunizations / PJ Day

November 7 – PAC Meeting at 6:30 in library

November 9 – Remembrance Day Assembly at 10:45

November 12 – Wix-Brown PAC Winter Market, 10-4 in gym

November 13 – No School (Remembrance Day observed)

November 20 – Student Inclusive Conferences begin for next two weeks (by appointment with teacher)

November 29 – No School (Student Inclusive Conference Day; students attend for conferences only)

November 30 – Early Dismissal at 12:08

November 30 – Parent Social Night PAC Fundraiser

Wix-Brown Elementary

23851 - 24 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Z 3A3
Phone: 604-534-5633
Fax: 604-534-9531