November 29, 2024
Dear Wix-Brown families,
Our first term has come to a close and we have had an opportunity to reflect back on our accomplishments and celebrate each student’s growth over the past three months. One of the best parts of my job is when teachers and students excitedly come to me to let me know about an accomplishment or an improvement that they’ve experienced. When comparing September assessment results to November’s work, for example, teachers often come to share their students’ successes. It always brings me joy to hear how enthusiastically our staff members celebrate growth and our students’ accomplishments. It’s amazing how far we can come in a matter of months, given both staff and students’ determination to work hard and focus on learning. My hope is that, through our student inclusive conference process this week, all families were also able to share in the growth and successes. Congratulations, bears, on a successful first term!
Around the School…
Friend Friday
Ms. Peach and Ms. Miller are at it again! Throughout the year, classes have an opportunity to visit the library for “Friend Friday” – a collaboration between Ms. Peach and Ms. Miller that has existed at our school for many years. During “Friend Friday” students are able to participate in a variety of activities, with the focus on integrating literacy and aboriginal culture / indigenous ways of knowing and being. The lessons and experiences are always a highlight in our school! This term, after reading The Walrus and the Cariboo by Maika Harper, the students worked in groups to make their own creature. The groups had to work together to decide how their creature would look, as well as make decisions like how it walks, where it lives, how it hunts or eats and any other characteristics. Very creative and collaborative! You can follow Ms. Peach and Ms. Miller’s “Friend Friday” journey on Instagram

Collaboration in Math
As a staff, we are learning about the role that collaboration and teamwork plays in supporting student understanding in math. Through our exploration of the book Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, teachers have begun to delve into various strategies to support student engagement and thinking during numeracy blocks. One of the chapters in the book discusses the importance of random groups to support student ownership and collaboration. Ms. Sutherland’s class has been experimenting with random groupings during math, and the opportunity to work with various students within the class has been a successful experience. Students pick a card from a deck and then are tasked with finding their matching partner. This increases opportunities for students to move about the classroom, work with new friends, and have discussions about math each and every day. Thank you, division 10, for so willingly applying some of the strategies we are learning about in your work!

Family Movie Night
On Tuesday evening, the grade 7’s and our PAC hosted a family movie night in the school gym. Families brought blankets, camping chairs, pillows and stuffies to enjoy an evening of fun and community-building. There was popcorn, candy, treats, and hot dogs for sale. This event was a fundraiser that helps to support our grade 7 year-end activities as well as the PAC’s ongoing fundraising goals – over $1000 was raised altogether! It was very well attended by our school community and a lot of fun was had. Please watch for a second family movie night opportunity in the new year, and thank you to the many volunteers who helped to make the evening such a success!

Save the Date!
We are excited to announce that, in the new year, we will be hosting a Family Numeracy Night at our school! On January 22, from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM, the Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival organization will be here at Wix-Brown to share some exciting and engaging math games with our school community. The Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival ( is a math education nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower schools and communities to create magical math moments for children.
They have created a variety of engaging math activities that help children of all ages develop problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. Whether it’s a whole–school festival or a Family Numeracy Night, their ultimate goal is to have children leave feeling joyful and confident about math.
Students will be experiencing math activities and games throughout the school day, and then families are invited to share in the experience in the evening. We hope to see many of our families there to learn more about how we are supporting student learning in the area of mathematics through our Action Plan for Learning.

Winter Clothing Donations
Our school’s “Bear Den” is currently looking for gently worn winter boots, jackets and cold weather items to be distributed to our school community. If you have like-new or gently used pieces of clothing that you are willing to part with, we happily accept donations in the office throughout the school year. Thank you for your support!
From the District…
BC Training and Education Savings Program Grant
Families/guardians of students in kindergarten through grade 3: Your child may be eligible for a one-time $1,200 BC Training and Education Savings Grant for their post-secondary education or training. Please see this letter for more information regarding this opportunity.
Upcoming Dates…
December 6 – Anything but a Backpack Day
December 10 – Winter Concert @ 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM
December 13 – Grade 6 immunizations
December 16 – Festive Hat Day
December 17 – Red and Green Day
December 18 – Festive Sweater Day
December 19 – Reindeer Day
December 19 – PAC Pancake Breakfast
December 20 – Last day before Winter Break
December 20 – Christmas PJ Day
January 6 – Schools re-open after Winter Break
January 15 – Black Shirt Day (Black Excellence Day)
January 16 – Grade 7 Treat Day Fundraiser
January 17 – Neon Day
January 22 – Family Math Night in gym, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. Everyone is welcome!
January 24 – PAC Hot Lunch
January 30 – Dress Like a Teacher/Student Day
January 30 – Month-End Assembly @ 1 PM – families welcome!
February 7 – Backwards Day
February 10 – Professional Development Day (no school for students)
February 17 – Family Day (no school for students)
February 21 – Twin Day
February 21 – PAC Hot Lunch
February 24 – Report Card Prep / Design & Assessment Day (no school for students)
February 26 – Pink Shirt Day
February 28 – Month-End & Diversity/Respect Assembly @ 10:45 AM – families welcome!
March 3 – Term 2 Student Inclusive Conferences begin
March 3 – Lego Day
March 5 – Early Dismissal at 12:08 PM for Student Inclusive Conferences
March 6 – Student Inclusive Conference day (No classes on this day; students only attend for their conference)
March 14 – PAC Hot Lunch
March 14 – Talent Show
March 14 – Last day before Spring Break