Focus On Learning

November 1, 2024

Dear Wix-Brown families,

It’s hard to believe that it’s November! We are approaching the last few weeks of first term, which means that each classroom in our school has an important focus on student learning and achievement at this time.  Teachers and support staff know the students in their care, they have assessed where they are at, and they have made plans to support each child on their individual learning journey.  With all of the fall routines established, this is an exciting time of growth and learning to witness throughout the school!  As you will see from this week’s highlights, there is a lot of productive and intentional work going on in the building to keep our focus on learning at this time.

Take a look at what we’ve been up to!

Around the School…

Reading Club

Our first term Reading Club, organized by Ms. Van Deventer and Ms. Skrynnikov, and led by our wonderful SEA team, has been up and running for several weeks now.  Each term, our resource department takes a look at who would benefit from some additional literacy opportunities (depending on which grade/skill is being targeted each term) and invites students to our after school Reading Club.  Reading Club meets three times per week and students have an opportunity to read, play games and have fun with literacy in an organized and engaging manner.  A huge thank you to our entire resource team who makes this initiative possible – it is always a highlight to finish off the day hearing excited students rushing to join in on the fun!

WIN Time

As a school, we have used the Response to Intervention (RTI) model of intervention for several years to meet students where they are at and move them forward in their learning journey.  This year, all students from kindergarten to grade seven are participating in what we are calling WIN Time throughout the week.  The WIN in WIN Time stands for “What I Need” – after assessing students at the beginning of the year, teachers have grouped students based on what they need to learn next.  Depending on the skill that is being targeted, a teacher works with a group of students and focuses specifically on that skill or skills for a period of eight weeks.  Throughout the process, teachers meet and collaborate to determine if students are progressing with the learning target, if there needs to be any changes made to groups or instructional practices, and to connect about how WIN Time is going.  Being intentional in our teaching allows us to hone in on what’s really important for students in their learning, and we plan to continue using WIN Time each term throughout the year to support student growth and achievement.


After much discussion, collaboration and planning as a school staff, our 2024-2025 Action Plan for Learning (APFL) document has been completed.  Each year, we take time to set goals as a school in order to ensure that we are thoughtfully making plans to impact learning and student achievement.  This year, we are continuing our focus on self-regulation and literacy skills, while also adding a numeracy goal to our APFL.  I was able to share some information with our PAC during October’s meeting, and I look forward to continuing to share our learning, growth and plans with our school community throughout the year.  A short summary of our APFL has been posted to the website, and you can access it below:

Wix-Brown Action Plan for Learning

Active Math!

As mentioned above, part of our action plan this year is focused on numeracy instruction.  We have been talking as a staff about ways in which we can implement engaging, hands-on experiences for students during math lessons.  Applying real-world applications of mathematical concepts is also a focus.  On a recent visit to Ms. Skwarok’s classroom, students were getting ready to plant spring bulbs in our outdoor garden.  Before the planting began, Ms. Skwarok decided to challenge her students to count the bulbs, asking: “What strategies could we use to count a large number of bulbs?” Using chart paper and pens, students then worked in groups to determine how many bulbs they had altogether.  Some students began counting one-by-one, but then realized that this strategy was confusing and led to different results.  Others started grouping the bulbs by 5’s and 10’s.  At the end, students had to reflect on their learning and share the different ways in which each group counted their bulbs.  Meanwhile, in Ms. Steele’s class, students were practicing their addition skills.  Instead of simply using a worksheet to demonstrate their learning, the students worked with a partner to play a card game that involved addition.  Incorporating movement, discussion, partner/group work, and engaging opportunities are all ways in which to support our students in their acquisition of numeracy skills.

Halloween at Wix

Goblins, ghosts, ghouls and… minions? Just another Halloween at Wix-Brown Elementary! Yesterday, staff and students had an exciting day celebrating Halloween throughout the school.  Before lunch, we had an opportunity to gather together for a Halloween parade in the gym.  We had some fun as a school community dancing, listening to a Halloween-themed book, and showing off our costumes to one another.  Thank you to Ms. Wedgewood and Ms. Blake for leading the fun!

Student Inclusive Conferences

At the end of the month, we will once again be hosting Student Inclusive Conferences to communicate student learning to families.  Instead of a traditional first term report card, the district has moved to providing opportunities for teachers, families, and students to sit down and have a conversation about each child’s learning.  The purpose of the conference is to share information about a student’s progress, while also giving an opportunity to set collaborative goals for the rest of the school year.  This is our third year of running Student Inclusive Conferences at Wix-Brown, so my hope is that you are becoming more familiar with how to navigate the conference format and engage in productive conversations with school staff.

This year, Student Inclusive Conferences will occur during the week of November 25 – November 29.  All families are expected to participate in the Student Inclusive Conference experience, as this is the way teachers will be communicating student learning for first term.  As in years past, we will be sharing a link to an online booking system in the coming weeks to make your Student Inclusive Conference appointment.  Teachers will be available after school from November 25, 26 and 29, and we will have additional slots available on November 28 (students are dismissed at 12:08 and there will be evening slots available on this day as well).  November 27 is also a day of no school for students so that conferences can occur, so slots will be available throughout the school day on this day.  Please reach out to your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions about your child’s Student Inclusive Conference.  The district has also created a parent/guardian resource with more information that you may find helpful:

Student Inclusive Conferences – Parent-Guardian Resource 2024Nov.pdf

From the District…

Remembrance Day Poppies

It is a long-standing tradition for schools to support our veterans and the efforts of the Royal Canadian Legion. Once again this year, our school will be receiving a poppy for every student and distributing them to classes. We will continue to collect funds this year in support of the Legion’s Poppy Campaign but kindly ask students and their families to donate online via School Cash Online: Please do not send cash or cheques with your child to school. If you need assistance accessing School Cash Online, please contact the school office.

We appreciate your generosity. As always, our school is committed to educating our community about the meaning of the poppy and Remembrance Day.

Information About School Status During Inclement Weather

Snow closures and power outages are an annual occurrence in the Langley School District. So, where do you go to get information about the status of schools during periods of inclement weather? If you are able to access the internet via computer or smartphone, current information about Langley schools can be accessed on all school websites or Updates are also posted to X (formerly Twitter) @LangleySchools and Facebook at If you don’t have internet connectivity but your phone is working, call a relative or friend in an area that has not been affected by the storm and ask them to check the district website for you. Local radio stations are also informed of school status in Langley. Tune in to CKWX 1130AM, CKNW 980AM, Country Radio 107.1FM, Pulse 107.7 or CBC 690AM or 88.1FM for updates.

Please note that Langley District schools are all considered ‘open’ until a decision to close is required. Decisions on school closures are usually made by 6:30am. As always, it is a parent’s decision whether to send their child to school based on safety and individual circumstances. If you feel it is unsafe for you or your child to travel to or attend an open school for any reason, please keep your child home and report an absence to the school.

Upcoming Dates

November 5 – Photo retakes

November 7 – Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30 AM – families welcome!

November 8 – No school (Report Card Prep/Design & Assessment Day)

November 9 – PAC Winter Market, 10 AM -2 PM in gym

November 11 – No school (Remembrance Day)

November 14 – Hat Day

November 22 – PAC Hot Lunch

November 25 – Student Inclusive Conferences begin

November 26 – Disney Day

November 26 – PAC Family Movie Night in gym

November 27 – No school (Students only attend for their Student Inclusive Conference)

November 28 – Month-End Assembly @ 11 AM – families welcome!

November 28 – Early dismissal @ 12:08 PM for Student Inclusive Conferences

December 6 – Anything but a Backpack Day

December 10 – Winter Concert @ 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM

December 13 – Grade 6 immunizations

December 16 – Festive Hat Day

December 17 – Red and Green Day

December 18 – Festive Sweater Day

December 19 – Reindeer Day

December 19 – PAC Pancake Breakfast

December 20 – Last day before Winter Break

December 20 – Christmas PJ Day

January 6 – Schools re-open after Winter Break

January 15 – Black Shirt Day (Black Excellence Day)

January 16 – Grade 7 Treat Day Fundraiser

January 17 – Neon Day

January 24 – PAC Hot Lunch

January 30 – Dress Like a Teacher/Student Day

January 30 – Month-End Assembly @ 1 PM – families welcome!

Wix-Brown Elementary

23851 - 24 Avenue, Langley
BC, V2Z 3A3
Phone: 604-534-5633
Fax: 604-534-9531