September 20, 2024
Dear Wix-Brown families,
With students settling into their classes, it feels like our school year is officially up and running! After the first initial weeks of organizing, planning, and preparing, students and staff are learning how to work together in order to achieve great things. One of the ways in which we do this as a school community is through structure and routine. Classes at Wix-Brown have daily schedules posted for students to follow, staff have consistent routines/procedures for academic activities throughout the day, and teachers revisit expectations when it comes to their routines on a regular basis. We explicitly teach our behaviour expectations, including assembly behaviour, how to walk in the hallways, appropriate recess/lunch play, etc. Particularly in September, we reinforce our school and classroom expectations and practice these in a variety of ways. When students are exposed to predictable routines, and understand the expectations, it helps to support their self-regulation skills and enables them to feel comfortable in knowing what to expect during their school day. Just like structures and routines are important at home, they are equally as important at school. The more we provide these and explicitly teach them at the beginning of the school year, the easier the transition is for students and the more successful they become at school.
We are all looking forward to a great year of learning, growth, and exciting opportunities for our students! Thank you for partnering with us on this journey.
Around the School…
Meet the Teacher/Harvest Festival
Last night, we held our annual “Meet the Teacher” event. Classrooms were open and teachers welcomed families and students in to get to know each other as the school year begins. It was a great evening of connection building for our school community. A special thanks to our PAC, who provided refreshments and encouraged families to participate in games and activities before and after the event outside. We appreciate the ways in which our families engage with staff – we are all partners in our students’ growth and development while at Wix-Brown, and I am extremely grateful for the strong partnerships that we continue to foster.

Terry Fox Run
Today, we held our annual Terry Fox Run at the school. Throughout the week, students have been learning about Terry Fox’s “Marathon of Hope” in their classrooms and we have been raising money for the Terry Fox Foundation. During our assembly this afternoon, we were reminded of the courage, determination and resiliency of Terry Fox in the face of adversity. After our assembly, we congregated outside as a school community and participated in our annual colour run! A huge thank you to Ms. Van Deventer and Ms. Skrynnikov for organizing the event and assembly, as well as the many parents and family members who came out to volunteer and cheer on our students.

School Spirit Wear
Our online store for school spirit wear is up and running for the year! You can place your order here. All orders will arrive at the school on an ongoing basis, so order whenever you’d like and we will notify you when your order comes in. If you have any ideas or suggestions for future spirit wear offerings, please let us know in the office. Happy shopping!

Parking Lot Safety
Thank you to all families who have been respecting our pick-up/drive-thru lanes this year. Keeping these lanes open allows a steady stream of vehicles to enter and exit the school grounds safely during pick-up and drop-off times. Some of our district’s school liaison officers have been by to follow up regarding parking/speeding concerns at the school over the past few weeks, and the community policing division has also visited our school to remind vehicles to slow down.
A reminder that supervision outside begins at 8:05, so there is an opportunity to drop your child off before the 8:20 welcome bell. Our parking lot becomes congested around 8:15, so feel free to drop off slightly earlier in order to avoid the rush.
Also, please note that parking on the road to the east of the school (right before the entrance) is an unsafe and dangerous spot due to the fact that there is no shoulder or space on either side. We also have families that walk along this shoulder and, when cars are parked here, they cannot safely get to school. The parking spots in front of the school on the road and to the west are there to help support families who need to park and walk onto school property with their children.
Thank you for keeping our community safe!

We have an Instagram page! Please follow us @wixbrownbears for school-related updates and information.

From the District…
Student Safety in Schools
The Langley School District is committed to fostering safe and caring schools that promote mutual respect, cooperation, and social responsibility, and support optimal learning. Trauma Informed Practices and Procedures promote the creation and maintenance of safe, inclusive, equitable, welcoming, and nurturing school environments. The District expects all students to follow the Student Code of Conduct AP 350.
The District is sharing a reminder that no one can have “any weapon for any purpose” on school property. This means that weapons are not allowed to be used as part of an educational project, drama production, or themed costume. Examples of weapons include but are not limited to knives, bb guns, and toy guns. Failure to follow these expectations may result in confiscation, intervention, and consequences.
Early Literacy Information for Parents
Please find a link below to a new “All About Early Literacy” brochure for parents and caregivers from the Ministry of Education and Child Care that includes strategies that can be used to support learning at home, what to look for, and who to speak to if you have questions or need support. This information is invaluable in supporting our youngest learners in their early literacy journeys both at home and at school.
Early Literacy Information for Parents.pdf
Online Family Support Sessions on Navigating Digital World – Hosted by Safer Schools Together
The Ministry of Education has once again contracted Safer Schools Together to offer complimentary Family Sessions, designed to support families and caregivers navigate the digital world. There is one session per month. Families can participate in as many as they wish. Sessions can be found at the link below:
erase Registration (
Families will learn:
- Digital media habits, oversharing, and digital addiction
- The permanence of online posts/activity
- The significance of your digital tattoo in how others perceive you (e.g., sports teams, college admissions, and potential employers)
- The importance of caring for peers both online and offline
- Geo-locational settings and the dangers of social media and cell phone misuse
- The social and legal consequences of cyberbullying behaviour as well as possession and distribution of intimate images (sexting and sextortion)
- An anonymous student reporting tool that can help you and your friends stay safe both online and offline
Back to School Health Guide – Fraser Health
As summer winds down, it’s time to gear up for a healthy back-to-school season. Set the stage for a smooth transition back to school. Here are some practical tips to get you started.
Prioritize Sleep
Ensuring your child gets enough sleep is an important part of a healthy back-to-school routine. Quality sleep helps with concentration, mood and overall well-being. Aim for nine to 11 hours of quality sleep per night.
Eat Well
Support your child’s learning and development with scheduled meals and snacks. Breakfast kick starts their morning, while snacks and lunches nourish them throughout the day. Pack a water bottle to help them stay hydrated.
Boost Immunity
As with any public environment, school exposes children to various germs. Ensuring they are up-to-date on their vaccinations helps protect them and others. Specific immunizations are recommended for children prior to entering kindergarten as well as in grades six and nine. Help your child avoid the spread of illness by encouraging them to wash their hands regularly, teaching them to cover their coughs and sneezes and keeping them home when sick.
Keep Active
Adding physical activity to your child’s routine sets them up for success. Activities like walking or biking to school, playing sports, dancing, swimming or helping around the house are great ways for your child to stay active. Set limits on screen time and promote outdoor play as much as possible for overall well-being.
Make Time for Talking and Connection
Going back to school can be a cause of anxiety or stress for children. Make it a point to encourage open communication and support your child to talk about their feelings and help them feel heard and understood. Integrate downtime into their routine where they can relax or focus on a special interest or hobby.
Find more school health tips and resources on Fraser Health’s website:
School Health – Fraser Health Authority
Child Care Resources Available Through Langley Community Services
Langley Community Services offers support and assistance to families looking for childcare in Langley. The Childcare Resource & Referral (CCRR) Program offers free consultation, support, assistance with affordable child care benefit applications and referral services to parents seeking child care in Langley. Parents may contact the Langley CCRR office for a list of childcare providers in their neighbourhood or for more information at (604) 533-4425.
Child Day Event at Church in the Valley – October 4, 2024
A free one-day expo that aims to connect families of pre-K learners with important resources is planned for next month. Child Day will be held on Friday October 4 from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. at Church in the Valley, and will feature community agencies, a marketplace, door prizes and more. See poster below for details and ticket information or learn more here:

Upcoming Dates…
September 27 – Orange Shirt Day at school; National Day for Truth and Reconciliation recognized
September 27 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Assembly @ 10:45 AM – families welcome!
September 30 – No school (National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)
October 4 – No school (School Improvement Day)
October 5 – World Teachers Day
October 11 – Student Photos
October 14 – No school (Thanksgiving)
October 17 – PAC meeting at 6 PM in library
October 25 – No school (Professional Development Day)
October 30 – Month-End Assembly @ 1 PM – families welcome!
October 31 – Halloween
November 5 – Photo retakes
November 7 – Remembrance Day Assembly @ 10:30 AM – families welcome!
November 8 – No school (Report Card Prep/Design & Assessment Day)
November 11 – No school (Remembrance Day)
November 25 – Student Inclusive Conferences begin
November 27 – No school (Students only attend for their Student Inclusive Conference)
November 28 – Month-End Assembly @ 11 AM – families welcome!
November 28 – Early dismissal @ 12:08 PM for Student Inclusive Conferences
December 10 – Winter Concert @ 12:30 PM and 6:30 PM
December 13 – Grade 6 Immunizations
December 19 – PAC Pancake Breakfast
December 20 – Last day before Winter Break
January 6 – Schools re-open after Winter Break