June 7, 2024
Dear Wix-Brown families,
The warm weather appears to be returning and there is excitement in the air! Students are demonstrating their year-long learning through assessments, projects, and portfolios in preparation for the end of the year. Teachers are celebrating student growth and achievement by looking back on all that’s been accomplished at school. As a community, we are looking for ways to end the year positively through connection and community. June is here! What a wonderful opportunity we have to reflect on our accomplishments, and to celebrate student success at this time. The next few weeks will undoubtedly be busy as we prepare for the end of the year. Take a look at what we’ve been up to!
Around the School…
Astronomy Studies in Division 5
Ms. Steele’s class has been learning about astronomy and the phases of the moon. As part of their work, they were tasked to create 3D representations of the solar system or moon cycles. Each student researched important aspects of their models, then created a visual component to their learning. The class was heavily engaged in some hands-on, creative work when I popped by to visit. Keep up the great work, division 5!

Wix Wind-Up
Last week, our school’s PAC hosted our annual Wix Wind-Up party. There were inflatable toys and activities for kids, burgers and hot dogs, shaved ice, raffle prizes, and so much more! The weather held out and allowed us to enjoy a well-run evening filled with laughs, joy, and community-building. This event coincided with our “Welcome to Kindergarten” event put on by our K team (see picture below of Ms. Kim and Ms. Sutherland), which was a perfect opportunity to welcome all of our newest Wix-Brown bears to our school. A huge thank you to all of the parent volunteers who made this event such a resounding success. We are all grateful for the time and effort that took place to make our Wind-Up a great experience for all!

Track and Field
The D.W. Poppy family of schools (Wix-Brown, North Otter, Coghlan, Fort Langley and Peterson Road) participated in our annual track and field meet at McLeod Athletic Park on May 31. The sun was out and it was a perfect day to celebrate our student athletes. A sea of neon green could be seen from afar as our Wix-Brown bears demonstrated their BEARS values through their effort, kindness, and respectful behaviour at the track meet. I was so very proud of not only their athletic accomplishments, but also by how they conducted themselves on and off the field. Congratulations to all of our track and field participants on a job well done!

Sharing Our Learning
Way back in September, during our school’s efforts to honour the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we made a commitment as a community to continue our learning as it relates to indigenous worldviews, perspectives, and contemporary issues, throughout the year. Each month, during our month-end assembly, classes came up to share their journey and learning on our path towards truth and reconciliation. Last week, Ms. Stone and Ms. Thirsk’s classes presented during our assembly. They shared important information with us all about Jordan’s Principle, which is a child-first principle that aims to eliminate service inequities and delays for First Nations children. Jordan’s Principle states that any public service ordinarily available to all other children must be made available to First Nations children without delay or denial. After educating us about Jordan’s Principle, divisions 2 and 8 then shared the services that they are grateful to have access to in our society. Reflecting on our learning each month has been a powerful experience; it has reminded us that truth and reconciliation is an ongoing process that we all must engage in in order to move forward and repair the injustices of the past. Thank you to all of our staff and students who have thoughtfully shared their learning with us all throughout the year.

Spring Concert / Family Appreciation Tea
On Wednesday, we hosted families in the gym for our annual appreciation tea. This was a chance for us to give back to our families and say a huge THANK YOU for all of their efforts and support throughout the year. Each class prepared a presentation to share with families, and our staff arranged for refreshments to be provided to all of the attendees. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend, and thank you to Ms. Allin, Ms. Blake, Ms. Jaheny, Ms. Sutherland, and Ms. Bagnall who organized this successful event.

From the District…
Township of Langley: Summer Fun Passes
Township of Langley Summer Fun Passes are now available for purchase, and can be bought online by signing into your registration account at tol.ca/recregister and selecting the “Buy a Pass” option. You can also purchase the pass in-person or by phone at Aldergrove Community Centre, George Preston Recreation Centre, Walnut Grove Community Centre, and W.C. Blair Recreation Centre.
The Summer Fun Pass gives children and youth the opportunity to be active and enjoy unlimited drop-in access to pools, fitness centres, and gymnasiums at Township of Langley recreation facilities throughout the summer. Additionally, children and youth will receive free admission to Family Night and Youth Night events at The Outdoor Experience at Aldergrove Community Centre.
The Summer Fun Pass is available to children (4-12 years old) and youth (13-18 years old) for a one-time cost of $25 including tax. The pass is valid from Friday, June 28 to Monday, September 2.
Langley RCMP Open House: June 8
Our community partner, Langley RCMP, is inviting families to an Open House on Saturday, June 8th from 10:00am – 2:00pm at the main detachment. Learn more about what it’s like to be an officer through tours, demonstrations, and activities. Click on the flyer below for details.
Keeping Kids Healthy and Safe this Summer – Tips for Parents
As summer approaches, excitement levels rise in anticipation for outdoor adventures, sports and family vacations. Summer is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also a time to prioritize health and well-being. Below are some tips to help your kids stay active, healthy and safe during the summer months.
Sun Protection
Help avoid sunburns by applying a sunscreen lotion with Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30 or more to your children (and yourself) at least 20 minutes before heading outside. Seek shade and stay out of the hot sun between 11am and 4pm Look for places with lots of shade, such as parks with big trees. Take an umbrella or tent to the beach and cover up with a wide brimmed hat, long sleeves and lose-fitting long pants.
Breathe Easier
BC wildfires and dry weather conditions are common during the summer months resulting in poorer air quality. Reducing exposure to wildfire smoke is the best way to protect your and your family’s health. Stay on top of air quality advisories.
Encourage your children to drink water regularly, before they become thirsty. Instill the habit of always carrying a water bottle with them wherever they go.
Physical Activity
Parents who join in on soccer games, splash in the pool or set out on hikes with their children on summer vacation – and all year long – not only get fit themselves but provide healthy role models for the next generation. Healthy, active outdoor play is one of the best ways to improve both adults’ and children’s overall physical and mental health.
Enjoy the Bounty of the Summer Produce
Summer is here, which means fresh fruits and vegetables are in season. This makes it an ideal time to eat some delicious locally grown foods. Local farmers’ markets and u-pick farms are a fun way to enjoy farm fresh fruits and veggies while getting outside and supporting your local farmers.
Find more summer health tips in Fraser Health’s Healthy Summer Guide: https://ow.ly/G0r350S7S3Y
Upcoming Dates…
June 13 – Jersey Day
June 14 – Sports Day
June 21 – National Indigenous Peoples’ Day
June 24 – School-wide field trip to Otter Co-Op Waterpark
June 26 – Summer Wear/Tacky Tourist Day
June 26 – Grade 7 Banquet at 5:30 PM
June 27 – Last Day of School: Year-End Assembly at 9:30 AM; dismissal at 11:15 AM